Sunday 17th June 2012

Acton Walkways

Science, Singing and Sax

How can a soprano’s voice soar above an orchestra? Why does a clarinet sound different to an oboe? How can we see sound waves with fire? Join John Rayner, visiting fellow at the ANU Centre for the Public Awareness of Science, Theresa Rayner (opera singer) and Niels Rosendahl (jazz saxophonist) as they explore the science of musical instruments.  Some old friends plus some new entertainments.

Meeting Point: The Band Room, Peter Karmel Building, ANU School of Music. William Herbert Place.

Time: 3:00pm - 4:00pm

Cost: Free

Bookings: Essential - Numbers Limited

Email: or phone 0437 301 390


View images from last year's 'science, singing and sax'

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