Wednesday 12th September 2012

National Library of Australia

Canberry Tales: An Informal History by G.A. Mawer

Many Acton walkers will know Allen Mawer for his fascinating tours of Old Acton, comparing photos from the past with current vistas. There are many stories behind these photos, and Allen has compiled a good number of these in his new publication Canberry Tales. We welcome all to join us for a lecture, book launch and signing at the National Library.

Long before Canberra, there was Canberry.

From corroboree ground to site of the National Museum of Australia, Canberry Tales tracks the history of a waterhole on the Molonglo River that became the national capital. Join author G.A. Mawer and Professor Don Aitken, who will officially launch the book, to hear more about the stories of the occupants of Canberry through the years. This project was assisted through funding made available by the ACT Government under the ACT Heritage Grants Program'

Time: Wednesday 12 September, 5.30 pm

Venue: Conference Room, National Library of Australia

Cost: Free (includes refreshments and book signing)

Bookings: 02 6262 1424 or



Acton Weekday Walk

In conjunction with the Heart Foundation (ACT), Acton Walkways holds a regular Wednesday lunchtime walk, now returning to the regular 12pm lunchtime schedule. Designed for workers and residents in the precinct, this is a brisk 45 minute - 1 hour walk. Different routes are taken each week, exploring scenery around Acton and the Lake.

Start: Street Theatre, corner of Childers Street and University Avenue

End: Street Theatre (or various drop-off points along the way)

Start Time: 12:00pm

Finish Time: 1:00pm

Cost: Free

Bookings: You can just turn up, though ideally please email or phone to confirm your attendance, so if you are running a little late we will know to wait for you. If the walk is to be cancelled due to bad weather, a notice will be put here on the day at least 1 hour prior.

Contact: Email:, Phone: 0437 301 390

To ensure we leave on time, please arrive at the meeting point 5 minutes prior to the advertised start time. We strongly advise you to wear covered walking shoes, and bring a hat, sunscreen, sunglasses and water. In addition to plenty of fresh air and scenic views, there will be some low level bush terrain and inclines, requiring moderate levels of fitness. For all enquiries, or to confirm tours in the case of bad weather, contact the tour organiser (above).



Gods, devils and alcohol: their influence in chemical nomenclature

Dr Peter Wothers - Cambridge University

This lively lecture, based around the composition of everyday shampoo, explores the often-convoluted history behind the names of the chemical ingredients. What connects a urinating camel to a spiral fossil? What was the significance of a birthing rat? How did Egyptian eyeliner end up making us drunk, but amethyst kept us sober? In which brands of shampoo can you find 'Fooles Bolloxe' and 'beaver testicles?'

Under the surface of the dry, impenetrable code understood only by the initiated, the language of the chemist contains a fascinating insight into the ideas and achievements of mankind through the ages from astrology to zoology. This lecture guarantees you will never look at a bottle of shampoo in quite the same way again!

Audience Adults only (Years 11, 12 and above)

Time: 5:30pm - 6:30pm

Venue: Chemistry Theatre 1, Arthur Hambly Lecture Theatres, Building 34, ANU

Cost: Free

Enquiries: Email Maxine Mansill or phone 6125 7676

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