Image Galleries
Art Deco Tour April 2012
Penny Taylor led a tour of the wonderful examples of Canberra Art Deco arch
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ANU Conservation Area Tour April 2012
Staff from the ANU Heritage Office led a tour of the Acton Conservation Are
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ANU Architecture Tour April 2012
Staff from the ANU Heritage Office led a walk to some of the more notable a
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Acton Landscape and History Tour April 2012
Archaeologist and Heritage Officer with the National Trust Dr Peter Dowling
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Capturing Acton on Camera: Innovative Architecture Photos by Lenuta Quraishi April 2012
Digital Photography expert Bradley Cummings led a group past old and new in
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Capturing Acton on Camera: Innovative Architecture photos taken by Belinda Bentley April 2012
Digital Photography expert Bradley Cummings led a group past old and new in
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